Our Staff
Teaching Staff
Mrs Lacey – Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Taylor – Deputy Head and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Collington – Foundation Stage Teacher
Mrs Patel – Year 1 Class Teacher
Mrs Riches and Mrs Bennett – Year 2 Class Teachers
Mrs Muckle – Year 3 Class Teacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Miss Evans and Mrs Sycamore – Year 4 Class Teachers
Mrs Taylor and Mrs Riches – Year 5 Class Teachers
Mrs. March and Mrs. Bennett – Year 6 Class Teachers
Mrs. Bennett – SENDCo
Any enquires for the SENCo can be emailed to office@stedwards-cd.leics.sch.uk or phone on 01332 810231
Statutory Financial Information Schools Must Publish:
- No school employees have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.
- To compare our school’s finances to other school’s finances, please click on the link here: schools financial benchmarking
Support Staff
In addition to the class teacher, each class has at least one Learning Support Assistant to provide extra support where needed.
Office Staff
Mrs Sherwood – School Business Manager
School Governors
The main role of the governing body:
To help set up and keep under review the broad framework within which the headteacher and staff run the school. In order to do this the governing body aims to focus on the key issues of raising standards of achievement, establishing high expectations and promoting effective teaching and learning.
- To monitor and evaluate the school’s effectiveness, acting as a ‘critical friend’.
- To ensure accountability, that is, ensuring good quality education in the school and ‘value for money’.
Parents will be invited to stand for election as parent governors every four years or as vacancies arise. Foundation Governors are appointed by the Diocesan Board of Education via the Parish Church. These appointments may be people who are not parents, but are keen to encourage the good ethos of the school.
All the governors give their time freely in order to ensure the conduct and general principles of the school are upheld. They are appreciative of comments and views held by parents.
If you have a concern or complaint relating to the school, curriculum or any matter involving the children in our care, please contact the school and arrange to discuss the matter with the headteacher. It is hoped that most issues can be dealt with at this level. Should you feel your problem or grievance has not been resolved, then there is a formal complaints procedure where contact can be made to the Chair of Governors at chairofgovernors@stedwards-cd.leics.sch uk or in writing addressed to the Chair of Governors and passed on to the school office. Our complaints procedure can be found here: Complaints Procedure
The governing body of St. Edward’s Church of England School is made up of:
Mrs April Sly – Chair of Governors
Co-opted Governor
Initial term started on 11.10.22
Term of office ends on 11.10.26
Member of Curriculum and Achievement Committee Attendance for 2022-23: 3/3 FGB and 3/3 committee meetings
Mr David Wiltshire – Vice Chair of Governors
Parent Governor
Initial term started on 14.5.21
Term of office ends on 14.5.25
Chair of Finance and Staffing Committee – Attendance for 2022-23: 3/3 FGB and 3/3 committee meetings
Mrs Rachel Lacey – Headteacher Ex-officio governor
Member of all committees – Attendance for 2022-23: 3/3 FGB and 9/9 committee meetings
Mrs Pat Peel
Local Authority governor
Term of office ends on 12.7.27
Chair of Curriculum and Achievement Committee – Attendance for 2022-23: 3/3 FGB and 3/3 committee meetings
Mrs Paula Taylor
Staff Governor
Initial term started on 11.10.23
Term of office ends on 11.10.27
Member of Curriculum and Achievement Committee Attendance for 2022-23: 2/3 FGB and 3/3 committee meetings
Rev Andrew Race
Ex-officio governor
Member of Finance & Staffing Committee – Attendance for 2022-23: 2/3 FGB and 2/3 committee meetings
Mr Kevin Anderson
Co-opted Governor
Initial term started on 14.5.22
Term of office ends on 14.5.26
Member of Health & Safety and Safeguarding Committee – Attendance for 2022-23: 2/3 FGB and 3/3 committee meetings
Mrs Hayley Millington
Parent Governor
Initial term started on 13.02.2024
Term of office ends on 13.2.2028
Member of Finance and Staffing Committee
Mr Anthony Hubbard
Parent Governor
Initial term started on 11.10.23
Term of office ends on 11.10.27
Chair of Health & Safety and Safeguarding Committee
Named governor for safeguarding and anti-bullying
Mr. H. Pollard
Clerk to the governors
The following Governors have completed their term of office:
Mrs Liz Mandeville – Foundation governor
Foundation Governor
Chair of Health & Safety and Safeguarding Committee
Mrs Emma Ault
Co-opted Governor
Member of Curriculum and Achievement Committee
Mrs Shirley Birch
Co-opted governor
Member of Health and Safety and Safeguarding Committee
Mrs Laura Saxby
Parent Governor
Member of Health & Safety and Safeguarding Committee
Relevant business and financial interests of governors including:
Any material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives) None to declare
Terms of Reference for Committees
Finance and Staffing Committee:
Terms of Reference
The group shall have absolute discretion in the following:
- To provide support and guidance for the Head-teacher and the governing body in all matters relating to budgeting and finance within the agreed framework, County Council’s financial regulations and any central Government legislation.
- To ensure that all policies relating to finance and staffing are reviewed and amended where appropriate and are in line with any statutory requirements.
- To have the delegated power to make decisions in relation to finance and staffing; with the exception of the annual approval of the School Budget
- To receive and review budget monitoring reports on a termly basis.
- To consider each year’s School Development Plan in line with the 5 yr strategic/financial plan and ensure priorities are identified and adequately provided for in the School budget.
- To operate the governing bodies arrangements for obtaining quotation and inviting tenders in accordance with the County Council’s financial regulations.
- To monitor expenditure of the School Fund and ensure that the annual audit is carried out and the outcome is reported to the governing body.
- To ensure that the School Value Financial Standard (SFVS) is completed and reviewed annually.
- To recommend to the governing body a Charging Policy in accordance with legislation and guidance provided by the local Authority (LA).
- To ensure insurance arrangements are appropriate and sufficient.
- To be aware of funding opportunities and how these can be accessed.
- To ensure that annual inventory check is completed.
- To authorise write-offs and disposals of assets in accordance with the County Council’s Finance Regulations and ensure that such decisions are included in the annual inventory check report to the governing body.
- To review the Individual Salary Range (ISR) of the school annually.
- To review the school’s staffing structure annually, including the costing of this.
- To monitor the school’s procedures for staff development and support for any NQT’s.
- To monitor the implementation of the Schools Performance Management and Pay Policy.
- To support the Head Teacher as necessary in dealing with staff discipline and grievance issues.
- To review staff work/life balance, working conditions and well being, including monitoring of staff absence.
- To report to the full governing body at each of its meetings.
- Monitor the committee’s action plans.
Health & Safety and Safeguarding Committee
Terms of Reference
The group shall have absolute discretion in the following:
- To provide support and guidance for the Head-teacher in all matters relating to Safeguarding, the school premises and grounds, security and health and safety to ensure the school complies with all relevant Health & Safety Regulations.
- To ensure that formal CRB checks are carried out for all new members of staff and that the school maintains a ‘Single Central record’ for inspection purposes.
- To ensure the school fulfils its role in relation to Child Protection issues and has the required procedures in place.
- To ensure that the school follows Safe Recruitment practices and has a formal induction programme for all new staff members.
- To receive and review the annual Safeguarding audit and Health & Safety reports.
- Ensure an annual cycle of risk assessment is carried out.
- Monitor the effectiveness of the school’s Health & Safety arrangements, making periodic inspections of buildings, plant & equipment and annually report to the Governing body. Oversee and make recommendations on aspects of school site security.
- To draw up, and keep under review, an Accessibility Plan, which will meet the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, as amended and updated by the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 and to report on measures taken by the school to ensure that pupils with disabilities are treated no less favourably than other pupils.
- To establish and maintain policies relating to Behaviour, Safeguarding, Health & Safety and Care & Guidance.
- Oversee Educational Visits Policy and approve Category B visits where necessary.
- To attend or commission appropriate governor training.
- To report to the full governing body at each of its meetings.
- To ensure the school deals with racism and inequality issues and reports to the Governing Body at each meeting.
- Monitor the groups’ action plan.
Achievement Committee
Terms of Reference
The group shall have absolute discretion in the following:
- To provide support and guidance for the Head-teacher in all matters relating to achievement, data, curriculum, SEND to ensure the standards of the school are maintained and improved and that the children receive their entitlement under the New Curriculum, OFSTED and SEND criteria
- To receive and monitor any reports, external or internal, and to monitor Teaching and Learning within the school.
- Ensure an annual cycle of monitoring is carried out.
- To draw up, and keep under review, an Accessibility Plan, which will meet the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, as amended and updated by the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 and to report on measures taken by the school to ensure that pupils with disabilities are treated no less favourably than other pupils.
- To establish and maintain policies relating to Curriculum including assessment, data, pupil progress, behaviour .
- To attend or commission appropriate governor training.
- To report to the full governing body at each of its meetings.
- To ensure the school deals with racism and inequality issues and reports to the Governing Body at each meeting.
- Monitor the groups’ action plan.